Corporate integration management (BEM, Betriebliches Eingliederungsmanagement)

With us, your corporate integration management (BEM) is in the best of hands. For over 15 years, we have been supporting companies of all sizes and from all sectors as external case managers - in the qualification of internal BEM managers, in the implementation of a lean and successful BEM process and in the optimisation of existing structures.

Reintegration made easy - also digitally

Businesswoman talking to a colleague

In the case of extended absences due to illness, companies are legally obliged under German law (§ 167 Para. 2 SGB IX) to reintegrate the persons in question into their areas of activity with the help of a structured process.

With us as an experienced partner helping you to implement your BEM processes, pressure will be reduced on internal capacities, procedures will be accelerated and the success rate will be increased. How do we achieve this? Through customised offers that are tailored to your needs. Whether you’re dealing with external BEM case management, the qualification of managers or the training of BEM case managers in your company, we empower your employees and get them back to efficiency.  

The advantages for you

Reduced pressure
BEM processes managed by us reduce the administrative workload for your HR department.
Optimised success rates
We streamline your BEM processes to ensure more acceptance and shorter downtimes.
Legal requirements
We ensure that you comply with all regulations and we set up your BEM processes so that they fulfil all legal requirements.
Gear wheels
Comprehensive expertise
Our work is characterised by many years of experience, tried and tested modules and accompanying systemic advice.
Free checklist
With our exclusive checklist, which you can download free of charge, you can test how well you are positioned in the area of BEM.

How can external case managers make your BEM a success?

Play Video

In our short video, we show you how bringing us in as an external partner to manage BEM supports companies, HR departments and employees, ensuring complete success!

Our concrete offers

Our support for your corporate integration management can take various forms – depending on what you need and want. We adapt to each company individually and can also implement all formats partially or completely digitally if required. We offer the following formats:  

Implementation of a BEM process

We support you in setting up a company integration management system that is suitable for your company. Taking into account individual framework conditions, objectives and, of course, legal requirements, we establish a coherent process for your BEM.

Optimisation of your BEM processes

Do you already have BEM measures in place, but the process ties up too much internal capacity and is not accepted by the workforce? With a clear and holistic perspective, we optimise your processes with the specific goal of ensuring effective reintegration.

External case management

Would you like to relieve your HR team, but still set up your BEM in a legally compliant manner? Our experienced experts will be happy to take over BEM case management for you. Outsourcing case management ensures greater clarity regarding who’s fulfilling which role, as well professional expertise on the part of the case manager, greater confidentiality, a clear overview of the situation and greater acceptance among the staff. A clearly structured, streamlined process saves you internal resources, reduces absenteeism due to illness and increases staff loyalty.

Qualification of internal stakeholders

Internal stakeholders play an important role in your BEM and contribute significantly to its success. We train and qualify your managers and other relevant members of staff in all important aspects of corporate integration management.

Training as BEM case managers

Have you decided to implement BEM case management internally? We can offer you the appropriate training and qualify your case managers to skilfully manage the BEM process set up in the company as it applies to individual cases and to conduct successful discussions with the persons affected.

Advice on special BEM cases

Every BEM case is individual and can present its own unique challenges. If required, we can advise and support your employees, managers and BEM representatives in handling the BEM process and in dealing with pressing individual cases.

Have we sparked your interest? Then get in touch!

Please contact us using our contact form.