Happy family with parents and children sitting on sofa laughingHappy family with parents and children sitting on sofa laughing

Family & Relationships

Our personal relationships are a valuable resource that helps us to cope with challenges and stressful situations. A good work-life balance and stable bonds promote our mental health and performance.

Strengthening healthy relationships

The Fürstenberg Institute specializes in supporting companies on their way to achieving sustainable employee health. In the broad field of social relations, various factors play a role, such as: 

heart between two hands
Partnership & Marriage
Many different factors play a role in a good and stable partnership, such as open communication and dealing constructively with conflicts.
Education & Development
In order to support one's own children in their development, it is important not only to educate them but also to create a loving relationship.
Pregnancy belly with heart
Pregnancy & Parenting
For many couples, pregnancy and parenthood is an experience that turns their lives upside down and presents them with many new challenges.
two parts of a heart are stitched together
Separation &
Separation from a partner and the loss of close friends and relatives are usually associated with overpowering emotions and grief.

Our expertise in the field of family & relationships

Partnership & Marriage

Many individuals desire a lasting and fulfilling partnership. A successful relationship requires conscious attention and commitment because open communication, trust and respect for the other person's needs usually develop over time.

Pregnancy, birth and parenthood

For expectant parents, pregnancy and the beginning of parenthood is a special experience that can raise many questions. Their existing lives are being reshaped. This is accompanied by many changes and emotions. Legal issues, initial responsibilities and deadlines should also be considered during this time.

Bringing up children

Raising children is a challenge for all parents. Therefore, it is helpful for parents to focus less on one parenting style and instead give priority to their relationship with their children.

Everyday family life & organization in the family

In every family there are everyday tasks and challenges that need to be dealt with. This is where the organizational skills of each individual family member are needed. Support in everyday family life or even family counselling can help here.

Separation & Divorce

Just as relationships are unique, separations and divorces also proceed very differently from each other - from an amicable agreement to a painful crisis of loss. A separation or divorce can have an impact on all family members, and children in particular need a great deal of attention during this time.

Caring for relatives

When relatives need care, many people feel the need to become actively involved themselves. But family caregivers often run up against the limits of their own resilience. The expectations that are placed on them combined with the mental, physical or financial challenges they might face can develop into a heavy psychological burden for those affected.

Grief and loss

Grief is a natural human reaction and an important step in saying goodbye to those who are close to us. The death of a close friend or relative is certainly one of the most difficult events people have to cope with. However, feelings of grief can also accompany other losses such as the failure of a relationship, the loss of a job or when caring for somebody who is ill with dementia.

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