Family & Relationships
Our personal relationships are a valuable resource that helps us to cope with challenges and stressful situations. A good work-life balance and stable bonds promote our mental health and performance.
Strengthening healthy relationships
The Fürstenberg Institute specializes in supporting companies on their way to achieving sustainable employee health. In the broad field of social relations, various factors play a role, such as:

Partnership & Marriage
Many different factors play a role in a good and stable partnership, such as open communication and dealing constructively with conflicts.

Education & Development
In order to support one's own children in their development, it is important not only to educate them but also to create a loving relationship.

Pregnancy & Parenting
For many couples, pregnancy and parenthood is an experience that turns their lives upside down and presents them with many new challenges.

Separation &
Separation from a partner and the loss of close friends and relatives are usually associated with overpowering emotions and grief.