Mental stress risk assessment (PRA)

German occupational health and safety legislation requires all companies to carry out mental stress risk assessment procedures. Putting these requirements into practice is often a challenge, but today it is more important than ever. As experts in the field of mental health, we can help you to carry out these procedures in a straightforward manner in compliance with legal requirements.

Minimise stress - enhance resources

Young woman with tablet

The successful implementation of mental stress risk assessment is more important today than ever before as many employees are confronted with the challenges accompanying an increase in working from home and the changes associated with the New Normal.  

Frequent interruptions through digital media, time and performance pressure, frustration with ineffective structures, information deficits, change processes and unclear leadership lead to stress and have a negative effect on the health and performance of employees. As a result, the number of days of absence from work due to mental illness is continuously increasing.  

With years of experience in the field of mental health, we support companies and organisations in the successful implementation of mental stress risk assessment – also in the areas of teleworking, home office and hybrid teams.

The benefits for you

Hand points to three stars
Activate unused potential
We increase motivation and performance in the workforce.
Heart over one hand
Ensure long-term reduction of absenteeism
We create optimal conditions for healthy working.
Comply with legal requirements
We ensure that you comply with all regulations and set up your mental stress risk assessment procedures in accordance with legal requirements.
video call
Home office and hybrid working
Mental stress risk assessment adapted to New Normal conditions; digital implementation is also possible.
Free checklist
Using our exclusive checklist, available for free download, you can test how well you are positioned in relation to mental stress risk assessment and receive valuable tips and information on the subject.

Mental stress risk assessment – successful implementation with us

Play Video

What needs to be considered when carrying out mental stress risk assessment? How can companies carry out such assessments in the most resource-efficient way possible and still ensure the long-term success of their business? We provide answers in our video!  

Our offer in concrete terms

Our services are tailored to your needs: we use various (digital) tools to determine the stress levels of your employees, either through surveys or in workshops. Our experts then support you in coming up with suitable measures for your company. Should you wish, we can take responsibility for implementing these measures and regularly checking their effectiveness.  

Mental stress risk assessment(GBU) focuses on psychological stress factors in the following areas:  

Work content / work tasks

• Work intensity
• Scope of action
• Qualification
• Compatibility
• New forms of work

Work organisation

• Work processes
• Work interruptions
• Communication
• Role clarity

Working environment

• Work equipment
• Workplace design
• Physical factors

Social relations

• Leadership behaviour
• Culture
• Support
• Conflicts
• Discrimination

Have we sparked your interest? Then get in touch!

Please contact us using our contact form.