Cheerful young team in meetingCheerful young team in meeting

Healthy working environments

The work environment is very important for healthy and productive employees and managers. With an open and supportive culture, we are able to reach our full potential and deal well with challenges in our daily working lives.

Creating healthy working environments

The Fürstenberg Institute specialises in supporting companies in the creation of a healthy and performance-promoting working environment. As a company, you have a wide variety of options available to you for taking action in this area, such as:  

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Identifying hazards
Mental health hazards can have a negative effect on the performance of employees and managers.
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Companies that take their employees' stress seriously and take action to reduce it can prevent long-term consequences such as burnout.
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Increasing satisfaction
A high level of satisfaction among your employees leads to greater loyalty to the company in the long term and reduces staff turnover.
Reducing absenteeism
Companies that pay attention to the health of their employees and managers reduce absenteeism in the long term.

Our expertise in creating healthy working environments

Employee satisfaction

If companies want to influence employee satisfaction or job satisfaction, they should look for the individual needs of the employees and the personal satisfaction level. New processes and structures or a changed work environment are just some of the framework conditions that can increase employee satisfaction.

Organizational resilience

In recent years, many companies have mastered major developments - may it be digitization or increasing work in home offices. Companies have a high level of organizational resilience if they are able to change flexibly, adapt new requirements and do not suffer any damage in the process, but may even continue to develop. 

Healthy in the home office

Home office has now become firmly established as a form of work in most companies. For many employees, this form of work offers many advantages, but it can also bring challenges. After all, it is not always easy to adjust to work in one's private environment or to actually leave work behind afterwards.

Mental stress at the workplace

Mental stress at workplaces is on the rise. Possible causes are, for example, work intensification, social developments, fear of losing one's job, or the current management and corporate culture. If the stress continues over a longer period of time, mental illnesses such as burnout syndrome can develop.

Reduce absenteeism

Absenteeism is caused by employees being absent due to illness, but also due to lack of motivation. It is a strategic task to monitor, analyze and permanently reduce absenteeism within the company. In the process, the holistic orientation of the organization is further developed with a view to health.

Dealing with sexualized harassment

The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) prohibits all forms of sexual harassment at the workplace. Employers are obligated to prevent harassment on the one hand and to intervene in the event of an incident on the other. Raising awareness, providing good information and transparency within the company are the prerequisites for ensuring clarity and preventing attacks from occurring in the first place.

Corporate integration management (BEM)

A gradual return to work after a long period of incapacity can protect against overwork and excessive demands. Since working life after a long-term physical or mental illness can be different than before, various measures of occupational integration management (BEM) are possible.

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