New online presence

Since October 5, the new website as well as the Mental Health Platform myFürstenberg (exclusively for employees of client companies) is online!

Fürstenberg Institut with a fresh, digital look

On October 5, the new website of the Fürstenberg Institute went online. With a new, contemporary design and a clear navigation, interested parties can now get an even better overview of us, our services and diverse topics in the field of mental and corporate health. Take a look around, there is a lot to discover!

New Mental Health Platform myFürstenberg

In addition to our website, we have also completely redesigned our customer login with a lot of heart and soul and expanded it with many new tools! From now on, users can create a personal profile through which they can directly arrange consultations and register for events. In our extensive media library, employees and managers of our customer companies can now also find lots of exciting and practical content in the form of videos, podcasts, exercises and documents that they can access on demand at any time. In this way, each person can find what suits their individual concerns and what we are continuously developing.

Screenshot of login in myFürstenberg

Störung bei unserem Telefonanbieter

Liebe Klient*innen,
aufgrund einer technischen Störung bei unserem Telefonanbieter sind wir aktuell telefonisch nicht erreichbar. Wir bitten dies zu entschuldigen.
Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck daran, dieses Problem so schnell wie möglich zu beheben.
Bitte senden Sie uns Ihre Anfragen gerne per E-Mail an:
Wir bedanken uns für Ihre Geduld und hoffen auf Ihr Verständnis. 

Wir haben eine temporäre Rufnummer über einen alternativen Anbieter eingerichtet. Sie können uns nun erreichen unter: +49 40 8836462 100

Dear clients,
Due to a technical fault in our telephone system, we are currently unavailable by telephone. We apologise for this.
We are working hard to resolve this problem as quickly as possible.
Please send us your enquiries by email to:
We thank you for your patience and hope for your understanding. 

We have set up a temporary phone number through an alternative provider. You can now reach us at: +49 40 8836462 100.