Organizational resilience

Companies are said to have a high level of organizational resilience if they are able to adapt flexibly to changes and new demands without incurring any damage in the process and possibly even continuing to develop.

What is organizational resilience?

team working in a modern office

The term resilience is currently used primarily in connection with the mental health of individuals. Resilience is also known as the immune system of the soul because it enables us to deal with adversity and challenges without suffering harm. Organizations can also be resilient. For example, a resilient organization manages to adapt quickly to new conditions. When faced with challenges, employees work together in a solution-oriented manner. The company manages to evolve with the changes, involving its employees in the process, identifying dangers and risks at an early stage and succeeding in spite of any difficulties.

Together through the crisis

In recent years, many companies have adapted successfully to major developments – be it digitization, increased working from home, the Corona pandemic or even the generational change and new demands on employers in general. What distinguishes companies that have dealt with these crises and changes particularly well?

1. Flexibility

Companies that approach challenges in a solution-oriented manner and react quickly to changing circumstances manage to get through both minor and major crises well. They do not remain frozen in inaction but adapt to the new circumstances.

2. Attention

To be resilient, it is important to recognize upcoming challenges in good time and to be able to act accordingly. Companies that recognize changes and trends early on and embrace them are often one step ahead of others.

3. Good failure culture

If you dare to do something, you will also make mistakes. Companies that are open to innovative approaches and see mistakes as an opportunity to learn have fewer inhibitions when faced with new challenges. They develop a shared self-efficacy that motivates and produces solutions.

4. Healthy leadership

Change is often accompanied by uncertainty and fear. In these situations, it is particularly important that managers take care of themselves and their employees. With open communication, crises can be overcome together.

Why does a company need resilience?

Gear wheels
Agile working
Companies that work in an agile way benefit from their employees being more resistant to disruption and the company being able to handle rapid development and change.
Person with thundercloud over head
Coping well with crises
Some changes hit a company hard. Resilient companies are able to overcome severe setbacks and recover from the experience.
Retaining employees
Resilient companies are considered reliable because employees have confidence in their employer.

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Healthy leadership

Leading yourself and others in a healthy way is one of the key skills in today's professional life. Healthy leadership is good for employees, but also for the manager himself. With a view to the physical and mental health of individuals, a health-oriented leadership style ensures good, appreciative and efficient cooperation.

Leading in transformation processes

When changes are imminent, managers often encounter challenges in dealing with their employees. With transparent communication, orientation and openness to emotions and possible resistance, successful leadership and support in times of change is possible.

Fears & worries

Fears and worries are normal and meaningful reactions to threatening situations or changing circumstances. Even though they can burden our daily lives, fears and worries have a function. For dealing with fear, it is helpful to accept the feeling and find our way back into self-control when we have the feeling of being powerless.


Our mental resilience helps us stay mentally healthy, survive stressful situations and recover from stressful times. Resilience is therefore also referred to as the "immune system of the soul". People can learn to deal with crises and their own reaction to these stresses.

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