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Location opening bonn

We will officially open our tenth major location in Germany, Bonn, on April 26, 2023. This means that in addition to Cologne and Düsseldorf, we now also offer a contact point in the Rhineland at Bundeskanzlerplatz 9 in the former parliamentary and government district.


The program

4.00 – 04.45 p.m
4.45 – 5.00  p.m.            
Words of welcome from Timo Schneider Regional Manager West
5.00 – 5.45  p.m.
Expert panel: "Peak in absences due to mental stress and illness in the Rhineland - what can companies do to counteract?"
Ab 5.30 p.m.
Nice conversations with finger food, drinks &; music

Peak in absences due to mental stress and illness in the Rhineland - what can companies do to counteract?

We would like to welcome you to our Bonn location! At our opening event, Reinhild Fürstenberg will discuss current challenges in reducing absences with representative company representatives and present solutions that have proven successful in practice.

Reinhild Fürstenberg und Timo Schneider laden ein zur Standorteroeffnung Bonn

26.04.2023 I 5:00 p.m.

Reinhild Fürstenberg, Founder, Managing Director and shareholder of the Fürstenberg Institute

Our experts:
Helmut Blömeke, Head of Corporate Health Management, City of Cologne

Hermann-Josef Arentz, long-standing Chairman of the CDU’s Federal Health & Social Affairs Committee

Stefan Sauerborn, Head of the Service Center Economy of the Office for Economic Development of the City of Bonn

Registration for the opening event
Since the number of participants is limited, you can register here bindingly for our event. We look forward to seeing you!

Your way to us

Our premises are located near the Rhine directly at the Bundeskanzlerplatz.

Our address and contact details

Fürstenberg Institut GmbH

Bundeskanzlerplatz 9

53113 Bonn

Tel +49 (0) 40 / 38 08 20-0

Directions to our location in Bonn

You can reach our location in Bonn easily by public transport. If you arrive by car, you have parking options directly on site.

Parking facilities

The following parking facilities: Free public parking (2 hours with parking meter) is available directly around the institute. Alternatively, 700 m away on Karl-Carstens-Straße 4 is the parking garage World Conference Center Bonn.

Public transport

These stops are located in close proximity to the Institute:
Stop Museum King(Railroad lines 16, 63, 66, 67 und 68)
Stop Bundeskanzlerplatz (Bus route 634)
Stop Straßburger Weg (Bus route 610,611 und N10)

Störung bei unserem Telefonanbieter

Liebe Klient*innen,
aufgrund einer technischen Störung bei unserem Telefonanbieter sind wir aktuell telefonisch nicht erreichbar. Wir bitten dies zu entschuldigen.
Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck daran, dieses Problem so schnell wie möglich zu beheben.
Bitte senden Sie uns Ihre Anfragen gerne per E-Mail an: beratung@fuerstenberg-institut.de.
Wir bedanken uns für Ihre Geduld und hoffen auf Ihr Verständnis. 

Wir haben eine temporäre Rufnummer über einen alternativen Anbieter eingerichtet. Sie können uns nun erreichen unter: +49 40 8836462 100

Dear clients,
Due to a technical fault in our telephone system, we are currently unavailable by telephone. We apologise for this.
We are working hard to resolve this problem as quickly as possible.
Please send us your enquiries by email to: beratung@fuerstenberg-institut.de.
We thank you for your patience and hope for your understanding. 

We have set up a temporary phone number through an alternative provider. You can now reach us at: +49 40 8836462 100.